Hey, I'm Neo

Jiazhe Wang

步茗 in Alipay



About Me

I am a master in computer science at the University of Oxford, focusing on artificial intelligence and data visualization.

Now I work at Ant Financial Services as a data technology expert, dedicated to the research and development of intelligent/automated data visualization technology and product. I have been responsible for the architecture of multiple data visual analysis platforms and I have experience of leading the development of new visualization tools.

Personal work and interests include data visualization, data analysis, automated visual analytics, data art, infographic design.

Full Experience @ LinkedIn

My Organizations

These are the organizations I am serving or have been involved with.

Ant Financial

Ant Financial is a technology company that brings inclusive financial services to the world.


AntV is a team in Ant Financial to develop a visualization library based on grammar of graphics.


Plothis is an interest group dedicated to popularizing knowledge about visualization.

St Catz - Oxford

The fullname is St Catherine's College, a beautiful college in University of Oxford.

My Portfolio

These are my works including design works, data artworks, visualizations, dashboard templates and coding projects. Some of them are team works.

Ne Var Ne Yok

This is a poster trying to visualize the principle of neural network. "Ne var ne yok" is a turkish phrase that looks like "neuarl network" and means "what's going on".

The Bund

This is a poster and data artwork visualizing the history of classical buildings along the Bund of Huangpu River in Shanghai.


This is a dark mode Tableau design template for Tableau dashboard making.

Hello Visitor

Thank you for coming! I am more than happy to communicate with you.

If you want to know more about my work or education experience, here is a link to my linkedin page where contains the most exhaustive details.

If you are interested in my works, my research, the knowledge I share or the notes I recorded, please go to my knowledge-base on yuque.

Any questions or suggestions about my work or blog are sincerely welcomed. You can always find me through these contact methods besides this message.

Oh, of course, can you see the icons of some social platforms at the end of this page? Yep, they would lead you to my accounts. Click them and send me a follow or friend request if you like.

May the force be with you.